What does the Bitcoin $ rating process mean?

The cryptocurrency market is awaiting the “Bitcoin Halving” process, a term that is constantly being bandied about.

Bitcoin is collected through a process called “mining,” which means that advanced computers perform complex mathematical operations to obtain Bitcoin as a reward.

However, Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous founder of the cryptocurrency, set a maximum limit for the mining of Bitcoin units, at 21 million Bitcoins, and established what is known as “halving”, which is to reduce the reward that miners receive, once every 4 years, by half.

This means, for example, when Bitcoin was launched in 2009, miners received 50 Bitcoins for each mining operation, then this reward was reduced to 25 Bitcoins in 2012, to 12.5 Bitcoins in 2016, and 6.25 Bitcoins in 2020, and is scheduled to decrease to 3.12 Bitcoins in April of this year. General.

What is the benefit of this process?

The benefit of halving is to preserve the value of Bitcoin over time, meaning that it becomes different from the money that is printed at any time, and is threatened by inflation, recession, etc., in addition to slowing down the pace of mining periodically to balance supply and demand.

There will be 64 Bitcoin halvings before the maximum of 21 million is reached, sometime around 2140, according to experts, with 19.6 million Bitcoins mined so far.