100 Questions about Anwang Blockchain:


7. How convenient is it to issue assets on the Anwang public chain?

Asset issuance is an important aspect of application development. Almost every application involves the issuance of digital assets, such as tokens, points, game equipment, and receipts. The asset issuance process of Ethereum smart contracts is relatively complicated. It is necessary to write smart contracts according to the ERC20 standard. Although there are some open source codes, they require technical personnel to develop and have a certain threshold. Can digital assets be issued in a simpler way, so that people who do not have the ability to develop blockchain applications and smart contracts can issue digital assets with a few clicks of the mouse and enter some information? Anwang has fully realized this, allowing non-technical personnel to issue digital assets with one click on the mobile APP

8. What is the market demand for digital asset privacy protection?

Privacy protection on the blockchain mainly focuses on the amount and past transactions. For example, the Bitcoin address, anyone can see the balance of the address and the details of past transactions, which cannot meet the user's privacy protection needs. DNC (DarkNetSpace), the project name is DarkNet Space, and later renamed SAFE. It was released by the founder of the SAFE Foundation in October 2014. The second version was released in July 2017 and renamed SAFE 2. DNC uses ring signatures and stealth address technology to hide the sender and receiver, sever the connection between input and output, and make the blockchain unanalyzable, thus achieving the purpose of privacy protection. The series of currencies based on CrytpoNote technology have increased the difficulty of introducing blockchain applications and smart contracts due to the unanalyzability of their blockchains. Therefore, SAFE 3 regards the privacy protection feature as an optional option. The research and development direction of SAFE 4 is to assist all public chain users in the entire blockchain field to realize cross-chain privacy functions. Because asset privacy is a rigid requirement for users all over the world