"Khultun the warrior woman"

Genghis Khan’s descendants are innumerable, and plenty of them have made their mark on the world. One of the most interesting is Khutulun. The daughter of Kaidu, Khutulun was a warrior in her own right and assisted her father in his campaigns. She had many after her hand in marriage, but she insisted that whoever married her must first defeat her in a wrestling match. Khutulun wagered horses with her would-be suitors. It’s said that although she eventually married, she was never defeated and had won thousands of horses in her lifetime.

Khutulun was not just a strong warrior, but also had her own special way of finding a husband. Even though she was tough and brave, she also knew about love and marriage. Instead of just saying yes to whoever wanted to marry her, she made a rule: anyone who wanted to marry her had to beat her in a wrestling match. She even bet horses on these matches, which means she risked losing them if she lost the match. Despite having many people who wanted to marry her, Khutulun stuck to her rule. This shows that she was very strong-willed and knew what she wanted in a partner. She didn't just follow what everyone else thought was right; she made her own rules and stuck to them. This part of her life teaches us that it's important to know what we want and to stick to our beliefs, even if it's not what everyone expects.#storytelling