When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. But when you want to help yourself, you will tell them what they want to hear... Many of you don't want to hear the truth because the truth is painful.
The truth is;
1. Nobody is coming to save you
2. Crypto is a jungle, survival of the fittest
3. You are responsible for your decisions and choices
4. You must learn before you earn
5. Learning is not FREE
6. You must take a risk if you want to make it in this space
7. There is no entitlement, emotions and sentiments in the crypto space
8. Crypto can kill you both mentally,socially and physically. Watch how you carry oneself
9. Many will deposit but few will withdraw
10. The bull run is coming and it comes with storms, if you are not strong, you will be blown away.
For many of you, this will be your FIRST BULL RUN EXPERIENCE. You need all the knowledge now before you miss out causing desperation and FOMO in any other opportunities making it dangerous and eligible for losses in the CRYPTO world.