Hey folks, hate to rain on the parade, but we might be in for a rough ride with Bitcoin. Right now, it seems like everything's pointing up, and it's tempting to think the worst is behind us. But hold your horses, because we might just be in what's called a "Bull trap."

This is where things look like they're getting better, but in reality, it's just a temporary rise before another drop. So, don't fall into the trap of thinking the correction is done and dusted. The real downturn might be lurking just around the corner, waiting to catch us off guard.

Sure, it's not the cheeriest news, but it's better to be prepared than blindsided. So, keep your eyes peeled and don't get too comfortable just yet. The real "Bullrun phase" might be waiting on the other side of this correction, but we've got to weather the storm first. So, buckle up and stay cautious, folks!




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