This wave of corrections in Bitcoin and Ethereum has led to a major correction in the entire altcoin community. Many coins have corrected by more than 40% from their highs! I saw a lot of different things during this wave of corrections! I also saw the real reasons why some people lose money!

1. Why are you so concerned about the rise and fall of Bitcoin and Ethereum? Do you hold a lot of BTC and ETH?

Answer: Many people in the currency circle will never buy BTC! The reason for most of them is that the flatbread is too expensive! Some people may buy Ethereum a little, but according to statistics, about 75% of people never buy BTC and Ethereum! They only play with altcoins, contracts, and local dogs! (To put it bluntly, they come to the currency circle to gamble, hoping to get rich overnight)

So here’s the question, if you don’t buy BTC or ETH, then their rise and fall have nothing to do with you? You don’t hold this coin! Why do you always get hung up on some inexplicable things?

Some people may be stubborn. If Bitcoin doesn’t rise, how can copycats rise? If you don’t pull the big cake and the second cake, how can you pull the copycat cake? These people are here to make fun of the currency circle!

Me: The rise and fall of Bitcoin most of the time is a game between institutions and giant whales. No matter whether Bitcoin and Ethereum rise or fall every day, there will be explosive coins on the increase list, but you didn’t buy them! Or maybe it’s just that the coins you bought didn’t go up! There is also a kind of currency that people buy that follows the decline but not the rise!

The most essential difference between the bull market and the bear market in the currency circle is: in the bull market, there are more coins that skyrocket, while in the bull market, the capital volume is large and deep, that's all! As long as the resources are strong enough, there are enough information channels, and your thinking pattern is broader, you can survive the bull market and the bear market in the currency circle!