Supersonic barrier

When lightning strikes between the sky and the earth, we observe a bright flash and lines of light in the sky, after which, depending on the distance to us, we hear thunder. Both light and sound from the source to our senses have traveled a certain direct path and a reflected one, you can imagine this picture as light from lightning and then a sound wave directly and indirectly going around all the empty space around, reflected from every house, tree, road in the area and then again reached us, we have a picture of the area.

At the moment of the strike, the lightning overcame the supersonic barrier, from which we hear these strongest peals of thunder, and in our usual understanding of the world, this supersonic barrier is not capable of serving as a fulcrum for a further push; it is simply an air mass between the sky and the earth, which at the moment of the lightning strike forms in its path an area of ​​high pressure and with each lightning strike it must be overcome.

This is another fairly simple perception of the world around you that you can always use.

#binance #science

Photo: BIXEL