There’s a reason we all love crypto… the returns 🤑💰😍. But volatility is the price we pay. In the face of all volatility…DO NOT SELL YOUR CRYPTO.

Let me put forward some numbers:

Today 900 BTC are being mined every day. In contrast to this, there is a demand of almost 10,000 BTC right now every day. This is 10 times more demand.

The next halving, we are going from 900 to 450 of supply.

Guys you’re about to witness a 20+ times more demand in bitcoin then the supply. Now if you didn’t know, 70% of BTC is on HODL, and the number keeps increasing.

Start accumulating NOW that the price is waiting for you.

Do you still think buying now is too expensive? Huge prices coming. #DYOR and I hope you are buying NOW.

I know it hurts seeing your portfolio dip 15% in a single day. But that’s the nature of the space. I am buying more, what are you doing?


#HotTrends #Halving #HalvingHorizons #BTC 🔥🔥🔥🔥