In the currency circle, except Tunshi, which is the kingly way, everything else is crooked!

If you meet someone who is playing with contracts on the way to collect money, just tell him to leave. If you encounter someone who is playing short-term trading, you should also tell him to leave. If you meet someone who is engaged in private equity and talk about dreams, tell him to leave. Except for collecting coins, you and I will talk about everything else. It's a hooliganism.

If you are a newbie, just look for the boss Bitcoin. How to invest and what coins should you hoard? If you are a newcomer, just look for the big pie. If you hold the big pie today, you will not be able to finish it tomorrow. Don’t listen to other people’s nonsense. This is a hundred times the coin, and the future will be ten thousand times the coin, etc. The gadgets are all things that can kill you.

Of course, if you want to develop in the currency circle in the long term, and you want to be a little more stimulated and gain a higher multiple, it is recommended that you get some altcoins. But the proportion of the pie must be the highest, because it can protect you from death at critical moments.

So how to hoard coins?

The first is fixed-amount investment, but it must be implemented step by step. Many people like to gamble directly once they get on the bus, especially when it plummets. We must prohibit this type of gambling. The reason is very simple. There is no shortage of opportunities in the market. What we need to do is to take a longer view and cultivate our own system mentality to dance with the market. Our ultimate goal is to become a regular army, not to mention bandits and hooligans. You have to Remember you are positioned as an investor, not a speculator.

The second one is mentality. Choose some currencies based on your own funds and thinking. If you buy it, you will never look back. Don’t think that you can copy at the bottom, and don’t think about watching the market every day. What we need to do Just watch more and learn more. Only by watching more and learning more can we earn more.

The third is to improve the allocation. Don’t over-position, and fully bloom. According to your own preferences, no coin is worthy of our heavy position. Except for Bitcoin, in all fields, we have a slight layout and a full bloom. As for which currency we choose, my personal suggestion is that you just choose the leader of each track. You can choose according to your own preferences, such as AI, such as L2, such as Depin. Let’s make choices in every aspect.

The fourth is that after making a profit, we must first sell out our principal. This way we can ensure that our principal will not be lost. Don't hesitate when making a profit.

The fifth one is that currency holding is king, insist on holding it. Holding multiple value coins does not necessarily mean holding them all. You can freely mix and match according to your own strength, but if you choose, don’t hesitate or regret. We firmly hold it. That's it.

The sixth one is not to chase the rise or the fall. When you really can’t help it, don’t look at the market or read the news. We can just uninstall the software. The best mentality for currency speculators is to buy and leave, and then patiently waiting.

The seventh is risk control. We must be in awe of this investment and be cautious when making investments. Never borrow money to invest with spare money. Short-term profits are hard to come by.

——Advice from an experienced driver in the currency circle

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