Tuesday ended a little sadly. Bitcoin is in the 62000 range and this has affected my balance. I closed two long positions and recorded a loss. The money earned in 4 days was gone overnight. Happens.

I keep one third of the deposit in altcoins and bought a little more on a decline. Let's see what happens in the coming days. If it falls, I will buy more.

Last year, on the worst days, the wallet balance dropped by almost 50%, but all coins gave + by the end of the year. Although sometimes it seemed to me that the crypt would soon die and there would be no sense in it.

I sympathize with those who started this week with disadvantages and loss of money. Compared to many such people, my losses seem trivial, but for me personally it is important. I believe that after the halving most of my altcoins will give x2 x5 x10, but for now this is just faith and nothing more.

In any case, any correction is a chance to get coins at a lower price. Don't despair. As long as the balance is above 0, everything can be corrected. + changes to -, and - to +. Only 0 does not change.