#MyFirstFeedPost Hello, Binance Square!

Psychology in crypto

1- Deal with reality as it is:

You have entered a volatile market so learn to deal with volatility. Manage your emotions through realistic goals. Few people turn things around when they are starting something overnight. If you don't have clear and realistic goals, you will end up believing that this market is not for you and everything you do won't work.

2- Consistency makes you a winner

I've read hundreds of finance books and one of the best strategies without a shadow of a doubt is to be constant. When you are constant, you can learn from mistakes along the way, you can evaluate, you can see the market because by taking daily steps you deal with the path and the rocks, managing to observe reality more accurately. Remember: The tortoise knows more about the road than the hare.

3- Be careful not everything at the beginning is for you

Are you good with graphics?

Or a fundamental analyst?

There are ideas in the community that mainly make beginners lose a lot of money on their actions because they don't have a

solid base in neither aspect and ends up having its actions delayed.

I believe that a good initial methodology is to study an area that you care about and be able to delve deeper until you mature enough to deal with two things at the same time. Choose carefully with fashion.

4- Halo effect in crypto

The halo effect is a cognitive bias in which a favorable impression of a specific quality or idea influences our overall perception, leading us to judge other characteristics of it more positively than would be objectively justified. In investment contexts, this could mean that a single positive characteristic of a cryptocurrency, such as its popularity or past performance, could lead investors to overestimate its overall quality and underestimate the risks associated with it. This can lead to unreflective investment decisions or those based on bias rather than thorough and unbiased analysis.