When I first set foot in this vast and turbulent field, I was full of longing and expectation, hoping to find my own wealth in this land.

However, the market is ruthless. Institutional dumping and artificial market manipulation, these words I had never heard of before, have become my nightmare. My funds were lost in a large amount in a short period of time, and the losses were serious, like a helpless boat swaying in a storm.

But I didn't give up. I understand that in order to survive in this land, I must have a deep understanding of the rules of the market and the routines of the institutions. So, I began to concentrate on research, learn the laws of the market, and gain insight into the movements of institutions. I gradually realized that market fluctuations are not without traces, and institutional manipulation also has its own rules to follow.

In the years of arduous exploration of crossing the river by feeling the stones, I gradually found out the veins of the market, my investment began to pay off, and the funds gradually flowed back. But I was not satisfied with this. I clearly remember the confusion and helplessness when I first entered the market, and I don't want others to repeat his mistakes.

Therefore, I decided to share my experience and knowledge with all those who are new to the virtual currency market, to help everyone reduce losses and realize profits as soon as possible. I hope that through my own efforts, I can make this land more fair and transparent, so that everyone with a dream can find their own opportunities here.

Therefore, I created our Big Bear Community, shared my experience and knowledge with the brothers in the group, taught the brothers to identify the manipulation methods of institutions, and avoid being confused by market fluctuations.

I hope that through my own efforts, more people can understand the truth and rules of the virtual currency market, and let more people realize their dreams here. I hope that in the future I can lead more and more brothers in the Big Bear Community to explore this vast and mysterious ocean together. #热门话题 #BTC