😢💔 CZ's Farewell: A Heartfelt Goodbye

🌟 CEO Transition at Binance: A Bold Move

📜 Reflections on a New Chapter:
Today, with a heavy heart, I bid farewell as the CEO of Binance. An emotional decision, but one that's crucial for the community, Binance's growth, and my personal journey. Acknowledging mistakes and taking responsibility pave the way for a fresh start.

🚀 Binance's Evolution: Coming of Age
Binance has outgrown its infancy. It's time to let it soar independently. Enter @_RichardTeng, the new CEO, bringing a wealth of financial services and regulatory expertise.

🌌 Richard Teng: Visionary Leadership Unleashed
Meet Richard Teng, the visionary leader stepping into the CEO role. With over three decades of experience, including key positions at Abu Dhabi Global Market and the Singapore Exchange, he's set to lead Binance into a new era.

🔐 Next Phase: Prioritizing Security and Growth
Under Richard's helm, Binance will emphasize security, transparency, compliance, and sustained growth. The company stands poised for its next transformative phase.

💼 Continued Support and Involvement:
As a shareholder and former CEO, my commitment extends to ongoing consultation, aligning with U.S. agency resolutions. My focus now shifts to a well-deserved break, strategic investments, and potential coaching or mentoring roles.

🌐 Resolution with U.S. Agencies: Clarifying the Facts
Clarification: Binance's resolutions with U.S. agencies do not involve misappropriation of user funds or market manipulation. User funds remain secure.

👏 Congratulations, Richard: A Worthy Leader
Join me in congratulating Richard on his well-deserved promotion. The future is bright, and I look forward to witnessing continued success under new leadership.

🛤️ Onwards to the Next Chapter...
As one chapter closes, another unfolds. Exciting times ahead for Binance and its incredible community! 🚀

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