Lets look at the day chart,


1.RSI- The 1 Day RelativeStrengthIndex shows a pattern of extreme pumps and dumps, the current pump aleady declined the pattern of the pevius pumps and finds new resistance at 0.12(like every tool it should be used with others and not alone 📛)

also the RSI is trending down

2.OBV- its one of my favorite indicators, as it shows the traded volume of the coin in total related to the price changes, it shows that the previous uptrend broke under whales selling the coin, it is now lower then on the previous pumps.

the OBV still is moving up strongly again, and future beholds where it may go.

3.Volume - this is interesting,

The volume of the past 2 days was significantly higher then on the beginning of the previous pumps, but shows a weakning in strength for now. this could indicate a correction phase.

new buyers could increase the volume again.

4.EMA - the 99 Day EMA showed support on the

previous dump, the 7 day EMA did not begin to really react to the current pump. the 25 at EMA seems crazy in this scenario, don't ask me.

last of all let's look at the depth:

there is no big support seen anymore, but the resistances up to 0.25 show that it will be hard to pump through this huge wall.


SC is currently in a state of accumulation before the bullrun hits like a horse, but there are many indicators showing a weakening in strength compared to past weeks, which could conclude in insecurity intye market and maybe even a reversal of trends. I've said it here <3