#drops #Uniswap’s #ERC20

Share a project @DropsERC and what you want to do can be explained in one sentence:

“A decentralized platform built on the Ethereum blockchain that enables users to list and sell their Uniswap V2 LP token locked ownership. It provides users with a secure and transparent way to trade LP locked via Unicrypt Token Lock”

And he encourages sellers to sell at a value lower than the value locked in LP. For example, if 4E is locked in LP, then it can be listed at 3E. After the buyer buys it, he waits for the unlocking time to arrive and makes a profit. The seller can also circulate the funds.

This kind of project should be very attractive to projects that issue ETH on the market, and the revenue model of this platform is simple and crude, with huge profits and high taxes, as shown below. Part of the tax is used to reward liquidity providers and buy back.

The market is not currently available for experience (https: // drops.site/). The contract has just completed its first audit (I think the biggest risk point of this project is the contract vulnerability). The contract address is: 0xA562912e1328eEA987E04c2650EfB5703757850C. The current market value is 7M. You can see the callback. look.