#BTC‬ #比特币交易 #一夜暴富 #热门话题

"The world of cryptocurrency is about to change!" The next coin that will increase by 100 times or 1,000 times is about to appear. If you understand it, do it immediately. Knowledge + courage = making money. BOC is not only about binary options, it is a fair platform that allows everyone to open a "no-owner" DU market on the blockchain, and it guarantees absolute fairness and security.

The following is a detailed explanation of the BOC platform. Brothers who really understand it, hurry up and get started. I hope everyone can grow and get rich together!

1: BOC (Binary Options Chain) Notarization Platform (for d u protocol ecological chain)

- Background introduction of BOC (binary options) notarization platform

BOC (binary options) notary platform is an independently built "d u protocol ecological public chain" project, incubated by Space Network Labs and completed private equity investment. BOC (binary options) notary platform Dapp took the lead in reaching cooperation with TokenPocket in January 2024 and made it the first Dapp online platform.

-BOC to the DU protocol ecological chain:

Based on the decentralized d u agreement platform of smart contracts, any user can initiate a d u agreement on the platform (including d u content, d u amount, and bid opening basis). Even whether it will rain on a certain day in a certain place in the future can be used as d u content. All users can follow the effective d u agreement. Each time the user follows the investment, a certain gas fee must be paid on the BOC ecological chain to maintain the ecology. All effective d u agreements on the platform adopt the "user d u compensation" method as the bidding method to ensure the fairness and openness of the agreement.

2. Application scenarios of BOC

First: As an automatic insurance payment in the web3 field, the difference from traditional insurance companies is that there is no need to pay insurance premiums annually, just invest within the agreed time. The platform only charges a certain gas fee, will not be damaged, will not be lost, and will automatically pay.

Second: It serves as a credit certificate for individuals/enterprises in the web3 world. When you cooperate with someone but do not trust him/her, both parties can initiate a peer-to-peer agreement and use BOC automatic compensation to protect their own interests.


For example, you can initiate a du agreement: from the date of initiation, within 3 years, someone will die of illness, and the bidder uses death from illness as the condition for opening the bid. After the agreement takes effect, platform users can follow up freely (die of illness or not), and can place bets before the expiration of the agreement. After the agreement expires and the bidding is opened, if the total amount of bets on death from illness is 1 million, and the total amount of bets on not dying is 200,000, and the bidding confirms that the person has indeed died of illness, then the user who bet on death will win the 200,000 that was bet on not dying. If the result of the bidding is not death, then the user who bet on not dying will win the 1 million that was bet on death.

3: The first application target and value on the BOC chain

First: The first application target (based on the upgraded version of pancakeswap (binary options) options):

Taking the K-line chart data of BTC spot on the Biance platform (i.e. the rise and fall results of the next 1/3/5 minutes), it can be understood as: buying options (binary options) for the rise and fall results of the next 1 minute, 3 minutes, and 5 minutes for BTC spot trading on Binance.

Second: What upgrades have been made to BOC (binary options) options compared to pancakeswap platform (binary options) options:


The (binary options) options on the BOC chain inherit all the advantages of the (binary options) options project on the pancakeswap platform. Users do not need to charge the coins in their wallets to the platform in advance. Every time a user places a bet, it is directly transferred from their cold wallet to the he contract address, and every bet will form a chain record on the blockchain and cannot be changed;

The difference is that pancakeswap platform (binary options) options only accept bets in its platform coins B_N_B and CAKE, while BOC platform (binary options) options also accept direct bets in USDT, making it more convenient for users to participate directly;

- Fairness:

The options on the pancakeswap platform (binary options) are based on the rise and fall of its platform coins B_N_B and CAKE. However, the global trading volume of B_N_B and CAKE is limited, so there is a certain possibility of price manipulation.

BOC platform (binary options) options use the K-line rise and fall of BTC spot on the world's largest digital currency exchange (Binance) as the result of the option subject. The global BTC spot trading volume is hundreds of millions of dollars per minute, which is difficult to manipulate the price and has greater fairness;


The options on the pancakeswap platform (binary options) are purchased based on a 5-minute K-line cycle;

BOC platform (binary options) options have added 1min, 3min, and 5min K-line purchase cycles, which are more user-friendly;

- Profitability:

The 3% handling fee charged by the pancakeswap platform (binary options) on the total purchase amount of each period is owned by the platform or used to repurchase CAKE for destruction;

BOC platform (binary options) returns 3% of the total purchase amount per period as a handling fee to all platform contributors;

4: How do ordinary users make money through the BOC platform?

The first step is to search for "BOC" on the TP wallet homepage and add it to your cold wallet;

The second step is to go through my

Third: The proportion of nodes owned by individuals (i.e. node members) (weight 50%)

Node member dividend ratio = (team turnover/platform total turnover) × 25% + (personal BOC holdings/BOC circulation) × 25% + (number of nodes held by individuals/total number of nodes) × 50%

An example of total user revenue:

If the platform turnover on a certain day is 10 million U, the total platform fee is 300,000 U.

The total turnover of a team on 10 levels is 100,000 U.

The team leader personally holds 20,000 BOCs, and the total circulation is 1 million.

The team leader bought 10 nodes, and the total outflow nodes were 200.

Then the distribution ratio calculation formula is as follows:

25%×(Team turnover 100,000 ÷ Platform total turnover 10 million) + 25%×(Personal BOC holding 20,000 ÷ Total circulation 1 million) + 50%×(Personal nodes 10 ÷ Total nodes 200) = 3.25%, then the user's node reward for the day is 300,000 U×3.25%=9750 U/day

V. Conclusion

I have been in the cryptocurrency circle for ten years. My original idea was very simple. I just wanted to make some money through cryptocurrency and change the class I lived in by making money. I was born in the peasant class. I also formed my own family. I have worked in many industries, but I still live at the bottom of society. I have always been committed to finding a way to cross the class (in my opinion, there are only two ways to cross the class, one is to make money from politics and the other is to make money from business). That's why I chose the financial sector, but after doing it over and over again, I made money from stock trading and cryptocurrency trading, but in the end there was still little left. I also followed the project party and made money, but this project made money and another project lost money. In the end, I didn't make any money. So I personally understand that trading can also make money, but the key is that you can only make money at a certain stage. In the long run, you won't make money.

I have participated in many projects in the past few years, sometimes I made money, sometimes I lost money. In the end, I found that none of the projects I participated in could be implemented. The money I made was based on the timing of my participation and luck. It was not based on my own ability. I just blindly followed others.

Based on the resistance I have stepped on and the improvement of my cognition and ability, I am also constantly looking for a project that can help me cross the class by making money. By chance, I learned about the BOC platform.

My personal understanding of BOC is relatively direct: it is based on blockchain technology and has developed a platform that allows all users to open a dual market on it. The first market opened on this platform is based on the 1-minute, 3-minute, and 5-minute K-line rise and fall of BTC on Binance, allowing users to conduct dual markets, and the platform can earn up to 3% in handling fees.

First: Users do not need to deposit their USDT into the platform (which solves the problem of users worrying about the safety of their funds and the platform’s failure)

Second: The platform selected the world-recognized results as the basis for the bid opening (solving the problems that users are worried about with Zhuangjia)

Third: There is no fund pool on the platform, all income is positive, no bubble (solve the problem that users worry about the platform's bubble)


If I want to open a new target on it, I must hold BOC. Suppose I hold BOC worth 1 million.

The result of the new standard refers to: the domestic lottery with a 5-minute round, and the last digit of each round result is an odd or even number.

Number of people who bought dan: 600,000

Number of buyers: 400,000

(You can earn 3% of 1 million in 5 minutes, which is 30,000)


Open Dan: The person who buys Dan earns 400,000

Open double: The person who buys double will earn 600,000 (both users are gambling against each other)

If you really understand this platform, you will find that every sector related to user benefits has BOC application scenarios. Moreover, all the user groups above do not want any government agency to supervise their behavior, and the user volume is large enough. Therefore, the value of BOC will be immeasurable.

At this time, many people will ask, how can I participate in making money? In fact, I think if you want to participate in making money, there are only two ways. If you have money, you can buy a certain amount of BOC early, because it has enough application scenarios and people. If you don’t have money, you can promote the first (binary options) option product, build a good team structure, and the income is also considerable.

Brothers who read this article carefully, you can chat and share experiences together, study the knowledge of blockchain, and find out where the coins that will increase hundreds or thousands of times in the future are. I hope everyone can witness and grow together.