Ten-year-old leek, why is he not optimistic about the once popular currency #filcoin ?

According to on-chain data analysis, it is difficult for this round of fil to break through the previous high, and a large number of position holders and miners will suffer losses. Here’s why:


Anyone who has experienced the bull market in 2021 knows that fil mining once sold a large number of mining machines in Shenzhen, which caused the price of hard drives to surge at that time. When eth is on fire. Graphics cards are expensive. When BTC is popular, CPU is expensive. In fact, it is equivalent to buying computer hardware in batches. Therefore, after four years, many mine owners have not recovered their costs. Dig some coins out and quickly sell them for electricity bills. Therefore, many mine owners have not recovered their costs.


With the test of the bull market in 2024, the prices of many currencies have recovered, but there are still too many that are hovering at low levels. At present, Bitcoin is close to the highest level in the last round, and Ethereum is only a dozen points away from returning to its previous high. For other altcoins, just refer to the proportions of these mainstream currencies. But as for fil, there is a difference of about 90% before it can return to a record high, which shows how wet it was in the last round. How high is it?

at last

Concepts such as distributed storage and information data retention are no longer new. Without a stable currency price, it is difficult to have stable miners. In addition, many people in fil had heavy positions or held high positions. The dealer is not stupid either. I pull the offer and you ship the goods?

This round of fil will be similar to the last round of Litecoin, EOS, etc. Although there will be ups and downs, it will be difficult to make a big improvement. $FIL