From a short-term perspective, if the bookmaker does not strangle some of the leeks, it will continue to cause trouble on the MEME currency. Everyone’s background data is clear at a glance. Who is it specifically? Haha, I came here willing to fight and suffer.

Decentralized things are traded on centralized platforms.

Ogura can ambush the MEME section, because the final feast always needs some people to take over. At this time, if everyone has secured various L2, game categories, etc. and does not take action, what will you think as a banker?

The sectors that most people were optimistic about early on were not in the MEME sector.

That would surely create a tempting trap and annihilate it in one fell swoop.

I used a total of 20U on the Open Sesame platform to buy junk coins for experiments.

The accompanying picture has been deleted and it was said to be illegal.