☺️ You won’t believe but I received 30 000$ in tips!

I think it’s a record in the history. If I go to Guinness World Records, probably they will put my name in their book.

One supporter made 5000$ tip himself. I told you guys, in my earlier post that all the person who tip me, will receive airdrop from me. If someone tip me 1$ he will receive same amount of airdrop as the person who tip me 5000$

But still many people tipping 5$, 50$, 100$, 500$…

Now I think it will be unfair for those who are tipping more than 100$, are getting same stuff as the person who is tipping 1$.

So I decided to add a little bit more value for those people. Those who are tipping me more than 99$ in total, I’ll sent them a way to contact me directly. I will be giving them more personalised suggestions based on the amount of money they have and their risk tolerance.

But guy’s who didn’t tip me or tipped me less then 100$, don’t get upset. You will get the same stuff. But rather than me, you will get personalised suggestions from AI programmed by me.

So overall you are getting same things. Just I’m showing appreciation to the people who are showing extra support.

As I declared, I won’t even take 1$ from the tips and spend myself. All the money will be tripled by me and invested into our new crypto project. 90% of the crypto will be airdropped to my supporters.

10% will on hold for the life time of project making me the majority holder, so that none can mass up the project. Later I will keep buying the coin from the people who selling, and will try to secure 41% on after market.

Yes, this is literally opposite what STRK did. That’s how a real crypto / stock grows!

I’ll post In details on the project. Those who tipped me 1$, or didn’t tipped me but supporting me on comment, don’t get upset. When someone tipping me 5000$, it’s you who gets most benefit.

As the more money I add into the project (development, liquidity pool and marketing), the more the value the project get, and you get more money from the airdrop.

Tip button will show below