Newbie Mistakes and Expert Tips

Common mistakes made by newbies:

1. Chase the rise and kill the fall, trade frequently:

Lack of judgment on market trends and blind pursuit of short-term gains can easily be swayed by market sentiment, leading to frequent transactions and eventual losses.

2. Greed and fear, never miss any opportunity:

Being tempted by short-term interests and not letting go of any opportunity that looks like making money, but neglecting risk control, may ultimately result in more losses than gains.

3. Excessive pursuit of winning rate:

Paying too much attention to the winning rate and ignoring the profit-loss ratio will lead to the inability to obtain considerable profits even if it is profitable.

4. Lack of patience and frequent operations:

Lack of patience and frequent operations can easily lead to chasing ups and downs, increasing transaction costs, and ultimately leading to losses. Affected by news and other people's opinions: Lack of independent thinking, easily affected by market news and other people's opinions, blind operation, ultimately leading to decision-making errors.

Expert trading skills:

1. Go with the flow and pay attention to the trends:

Identify market trends, follow the trend, and increase the success rate of transactions.

2. Focus on what you are good at and do transactions you are familiar with: Understand your own strengths, focus on familiar trading patterns, and improve your trading winning rate and profitability.

3. Pay attention to the profit-loss ratio and pursue stable returns: Don’t take winning rate as the only goal, pay attention to the profit-loss ratio, control risks, and pursue long-term stable returns.

4. Strict discipline and strict implementation of strategies: Develop scientific trading strategies and strictly implement them to avoid emotional operations.

5. Think independently and filter out invalid information: Analyze the market independently, do not blindly follow trends, and only focus on information useful for trading.

6. Observe the order volume and understand the market sentiment: Pay attention to the order volume and order book, understand the market supply and demand relationship, and judge the market sentiment.

7. Make plans and predict market conditions: Make trading plans in advance and flexibly adjust according to market changes to increase the success rate of transactions.


Long plan:

If the BTC price is at 61000 and there are a large number of orders above 61050, go long and expect the price to continue to rise.

Short selling plan:

If the BTC price is at 61,000 and there are a large number of orders below 59,900, go short in the expectation that the price will continue to fall.


Trading is an art that requires continuous learning and practice. Novices must avoid common mistakes, learn the trading skills of experts, and develop a trading strategy that suits them based on their own circumstances in order to succeed in the market.

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