#APY vs #APR: What’s the Difference?

#APY, or annual percentage yield, incorporates interest compounded quarterly, monthly, weekly, or daily, while APR, or annual percentage rate, doesn’t. This simple distinction can make a significant difference to the calculations for returns over a period of time. It is therefore important to understand how these two metrics are calculated and what it means for the returns that you can earn on your digital funds.


#APR stands for annual percentage rate. This is the simpler of the two terms. In simple terms, the Annual percentage rate is the interest a lender is bound to earn on their money. Also, the borrower pays for the interest over one year.


#APY stands for Annual Percentage Yield. Unlike in the #APR model, where you get a fixed amount after every year, which is decided upon by the initial principal amount itself, in the annual percentage yield, you will receive some interest every month.





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