[Diary of a sudden rich]

Initial capital: 50,000 USDT

Target profit: 500,000 USDT

Trading period: 100 days

Transaction objects: BTC, ETH, SOL

I saw a sentence today: The beauty of investment lies not only in the accumulation of wealth, but also in facing yourself, the world, and the unknown honestly, rather than using repeated self-suggestions to reinforce those wrong views. Opposites go further and further away

I suddenly thought, if I try a real deal, can I completely expose my trading problems and face them honestly?

Start the PO real offer record today, and strive to persist for 100 days. The target profit is just a mental thought. The real goal is to see whether you can maintain your trading system and keep your principal after 100 days.

After all, there are wins and losses, advances and retreats. I don’t have the ability to analyze corpses or teach orders. I don’t have the ability...

Finally, I wish we will eventually get back our money!

#热门话题 $BTC $ETH