#Portal! Don't Miss Big Opportunity đŸ€ŻđŸ€Ż

Portal token stacking will start in 7 hours.

Now Bnb price is $371, And before the

announcement of portal stacking bnb price

was $353, it's increased by $18 now.

I suggest stacking Portal tokens with

Fdusd tokens because it's a stablecoin. If

the market fluctuates bnb will go down

and you will lose many $.

I know the Bnb and Fdusd token stacking

difference is 40%. Stacking with a bnb is

very risky. But if you want to take risks you

can can earn more portal tokens with BNB


I will wait for your suggestion.

#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #PortalTokenLaunchPrice