The Future Unveiled: 5 Astonishing Technologies Expected by 2100. 🔼

In a glimpse into the future, experts predict groundbreaking technologies that will reshape our world by the year 2100. Let's explore these fascinating innovations:

1. Digital Humans

Human-like robots and 'digital companions' will coexist with humans, taking on tasks from mundane chores to complex surgeries. AI-powered digital humans will become integral to daily life, providing companionship and performing a wide range of responsibilities.

2. AI Mentors

Futuristic AI 'mentors' will accompany individuals, making decisions on their behalf, leveraging the power of quantum computing for rapid and informed choices. These AI mentors will empower individuals to make ultimate decisions, supported by a wealth of information.

3. Subterranean Cities

By 2100, the surface will become crucial, and a significant portion of city infrastructure will move underground through tunnels excavated by robots. HyperTunnel, a pioneering robotic firm, envisions a shift to subterranean living, revolutionizing public services, transportation, and energy infrastructure.

4. Rise of Deepfake Videos

As deepfake videos become widespread and indistinguishable from reality, governments will compel camera manufacturers to add digital watermarks for video trustworthiness. Encrypted timestamps acting as embedded watermarks will distinguish original recordings from deepfakes, addressing trust issues in legal, security, and digital systems.

5. Virtual Schools and AI-guided Learning

Education in 2100 will see children attending virtual schools, guided and taught by avatars under the supervision of AI 'mentors.' VR lessons, time-traveling through history for live history classes, and personalized learning experiences with AI advisors will redefine the educational landscape.

As we look ahead to 2100, these advancements promise to shape a future where technology seamlessly integrates into every aspect of our lives. The possibilities are both astonishing and thought-provoking.
