Why do I love the crypto industry so much and choose ALL IN? 💪

✅ Crypto is the only industry where I can make money fast.

In 2011, Kevin entered A-shares. At that time, the Shanghai Stock Exchange was 2,300 points, and now it is 2,600 points. The increase in 2013 was only 10%. Under such circumstances, let alone ordinary people, even if Buffett came, it would be difficult. Therefore, Kevin ended up losing 60% and was out.

In 2015, Kevin entered P2P, but the process was unclear and he eventually left the market with a loss of 40%.

In 2017, Xunlei Wanke became popular, coupled with the skyrocketing price of Bitcoin, I quickly came into contact with the cryptocurrency industry.

After March 12, 2020, the bull market started. Kevin bought a large amount of ETH at the price of 300U and passively earned 5 times. Of course, it was not because of my great investment ability, but because I participated in a lock-up mining at that time and the funds were locked up.

This is also the first time I have made money in this industry, and it is also the first time I have had positive returns in the capital market in so many years, so I am still very excited and started to re-examine this industry.

Of course, do you know how many times ETH has risen in that bull market?

Nearly 50 times, brothers!


ETH plummeted from 312 to less than 100 US dollars, all the way to a price close to 5,000 US dollars, approaching 50 times!

So, it’s not Kevin that’s awesome, it’s the industry that’s awesome, do you understand? It is a dividend given by the development of the industry.

In an industry without dividends, no matter how hard you work, you can't make money. Didn't you see that Yu Minhong, the country's largest education giant, had to transform and bring goods? In an industry with dividends, even pigs can fly into the sky, treasure Er Ye, a beef seller, can still achieve financial freedom by speculating in Bitcoin.

Of course, the magic of this industry goes beyond that. What’s awesome about it is that it rewards those who work hard and gives ordinary people the opportunity to make big money.

• If you can write code, you can make money through arbitrage/scripting, etc.;

• If you know how to speculate, you can make money by catching awesome Meme like $SHIB $BONK;

• If you know how to speculate NFT, you can do whitelisting or make secondary money;

• Being able to grasp the general trend, you can deploy high-quality assets to make money. After all, Bitcoin surged 20 times in the last bull market, and in this round, Mavericks funds have risen almost 3x, still far ahead of other capital markets

• You said you don’t know anything and don’t have much money, so why don’t you contribute to the head office?If you have nothing to do, just airdrop, learn to build your own Alpha channel, don’t wait for others to feed you, a person who doesn’t take the initiative can’t make money

Here, Kevin shares a story around him. I used to have two colleagues with whom I had a good relationship, let's call them A and B for short.

Neither of these two people had done an airdrop before. After the $ARB airdrop last year, Kevin made a lot of money, and he wanted to help everyone when such a big opportunity arises, and make money together.

So they were encouraged to use Starknet. Since the process was extremely painful and uncertain, Mr. A stopped after 5 accounts. Of course, there were also reasons for this due to the principal. Mr. B finally played nearly 80 numbers and hit all of them, with an estimated total value of 100,000 US dollars.

If another 2-3 such large-scale opportunities arise, B's assets will quickly reach 300,000-500,000 US dollars, while A's assets may still be around 300,000-50,000 US dollars.

Some opportunities only come once, and if you miss them, you miss them; if you miss them repeatedly, you will be like this for the rest of your life.

• You didn’t buy 4,000 US dollars of Bitcoin, and you didn’t have a heavy position of 300 US dollars of ETH;

• You haven’t taken advantage of the $ARB airdrop,#Starknethas no heavy position, and#Eigenlayeryou are waiting and watching

The growth rate of Bitcoin gradually becomes smaller in each bull market. The difficulty of airdrops is increasing at a visible speed. A large number of professional talents have entered the industry. The dividends this industry will give ordinary people will only take 3-5 years.

So, as an ordinary person, how do you make money?

1. Uninstall domestic entertainment software, such as Douyin, Bilibili, etc., and spend all your spare time in the encryption industry. You must remember that you are here to make money, not to kill time;

2. Find out which track you are good at (refer to what I wrote above) and try to make the most of your advantages. If you are like me, then shave your hair.

3. Remove some invalid KOLs, those who participated in lottery, those who criticized others, etc. Maintain accurate information flow. Don't pay attention to everything, and don't think about making any money. A KOL who never sends airdrops suddenly sent an airdrop message. It is definitely an advertisement and the quality is not good.

4. Focus + persistence. A certain hair-raising boss in the industry has been getting up 7 days a day for several years without socializing or entertainment. He still masturbates on the high-speed train and has successfully achieved a net worth of tens of millions.If you want to make 10 million, try first to see if you can get up at 7 o'clock.

5. Women will affect the speed at which men draw swords, and Douyin will affect the speed at which you make money. Close Douyin, open the ladder, and say important things twice.

After everyone reads the above content, there is a high probability that they will click on it and add it to their collection. After a while, they will forget all about it. Then others will make money, and you will slap your thigh again. I have said these words to Mr. A before, so, Will you be Mr. A or Mr. B in the future?

If you are interested in airdrops, Kevin has also built a professional airdrop community, specifically for people like Mr. A. If you have investment research skills + execution skills, there is no need to join the group; if you have poor execution skills, and If you don’t have the ability to invest in research yet, you can enter our community.