#POND(MARLİN) BTC parity's 46-week trough period was broken with last week's rise.

Both the bowl formation and double bottom formation appear active on the weekly chart. RSI is positive and discordant.

In its rise last week, it left a gap of 3 sts above USDT in BTC parity and 0.00300 usdt above parity to its targets.

Currently, the 45 STS rising trend support is a very suitable level for buying. It reacted to the market's recent rises as a decline.

If it can make the weekly close above 47 sts

formation target is 69 sts (fib 0.618 level of the last decline) i.e. +53%

If this price breaks hard and stays above it

With an OM coin style rise that can be considered as a companion,

can quickly reach a price of 92 sts.