
There is the beginning for 2023 and you’ve set yourself a new goal for this year: become a better version of yourself, start working out, ear healthier aaand… the cherry on the cake… find yourself a job in web3.

And this is exactly why I wrote this post. For YOU. So please find below a few platforms where you can find plenty of jobs in web3:

1. https://cryptojobslist.com/

I absolutely love this site. Besides the fact that it offers a wide range of opened positions, you can also set your own profile so that companies that are hiring can look up for the much needed talents.

Here you can also find the salary range for each job as well as the companies that have opened positions.

2. https://twitter.com/Web3Career

This one is perfect for the people with entry-level careers or the ones just starting out as they can apply a filter on the intern positions.

3. https://twitter.com/alliancedao

A leading web3 accelerator and founder community, they offer a Google form which you can complete so they can match your profile to the start ups that may need you.

Their twitter account will lead you further to the form that can be filled in. 😊

4. https://cryptocurrencyjobs.co/

A board for blockchain and cryptocurrency jobs, here you can find opened positions from devs to writers.

5. https://remote3.co/

Again, a platform where technical and non-technical jobs in web3 are posted.

6. https://www.argent.xyz/

A company that offers a crypto wallet as a product and they have a few remote opened positions for people based in Europe at the moment.

These are the platforms that I am currently following. Although, I’m sure there are more. If you know other ones, I’d appreciate if you could share them with us down below. 😊

What I recommend to you and what helped me stay in touch with the posted jobs is to go follow each of them on their Twitter accounts and turn up their notifications so you can be up to date whenever a new position is opened.

In conclusion, I believe this is the time that we should take advantage of and learn as much as we See can about the new technologies. I guess the ones that will do so will be rewarded in the future. 😊