cheer up! Brothers and sisters!

Have you been bored the past week?

The market is boring, the price is boring, and lifeless

A disk without ups and downs makes people feel tired

For us little leeks, life has little fun and our mood is inevitably depressed.

In fact, it is not the case. Sometimes the outbreak occurs when everyone is not paying attention and relaxes. After leisure, you still have to take the time to check whether the currency you are paying attention to has quietly reached a position where you can operate it.

Give me a chestnut! Just like just now

The editor found that ada fell, because I had a spot position, but I still felt that it was a little short, and it just reached the position in my mind that I could add to the position, so I added a little bit.

Why a little bit rather than a big buy? This involves capital allocation management.

As a leek who doesn't want to lose, you must leave yourself enough spare funds to prevent you from running out of bullets when special board situations come.

Speaking of which, I have to talk about the news about FTT not starting a few days ago. If there is no reserve fund, it will be difficult for money to keep up with such fluctuations in information.

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask everyone, when the editor called for bargain hunting that day, did you follow suit? #内容挖矿

follow me! A sweet chive with honey