ERC404 protocol,

I wrote about Pandora's goodness yesterday when there was a lack of people.

(It not only ensures the premium of NFT’s uniqueness and scarcity, but also ensures the liquidity of NFT’s bottom price.)


So today, when there is a lot of noise, let me talk about his bad qualities.

One, the first is the gas problem, and it cannot be repaired because this is its core mechanism. Every time you trade, you have to pay the cost of mint and burning nft. gas monster. Especially for cheap NFTs with a large overall number, the gas costs paid are terrifying figures. To purchase 2,000 knives, you need to pay 200 knives in gas, and as the amount of your purchase increases, the amount of gas paid will also increase proportionally. We can clearly see this on the imitation disk DEFROGS.

2. Characteristic problem, trait. Each NFT in Pandora has no characteristics at all. In every sense, they are even exactly the same.

Third, transfer, whether it is a transaction or a transfer, according to Pandora's protocol mechanism, every time you are given a completely new random small picture, you can even increase its rarity through credential stuffing, so His only rarity distinction is actually completely useless.

In conclusion, I think Pandora will be a great hype. But it is difficult to be a long-term value tool.

Note, I still have a part of Pandora myself. We are gradually selling, so this post may not be rational, so treat it with caution.