What Is Bitcoin and How Does Bitcoin Work?

Before moving further, let’s understand the concept of Bitcoin and how it works.

Bitcoin is a form of virtual currency which uses the blockchain technology to handle transactions which take place between the users on a decentralized network. The transactions are placed on the open-sourced Bitcoin blockchain and are recorded in a form of public ledger. Every transaction is stored in a unique block which gets attached to the main blockchain to form the series of transactions. In turn, the blockchain technology makes the transaction secure, transparent and secured, without involving any kind of intermediaries such as government or banks.

Different Ways To Earn Bitcoin

Mining Bitcoin

Mining is one of the most sorted ways to earn Bitcoin by solving a cryptographic puzzle which helps to add a new block to the Bitcoin’s blockchain network. The miner is supposed to mine by choosing Bitcoin mining software and ratify the transaction in a process called mining. However, the task of mining digital coins is not easy as it seems. Bitcoin mining can be regarded as a proper job or a kind of profession rather than just a hobby. It also requires huge consumption, expensive equipment, high electricity costs and a lot of space to carry out mining operations.

Once the miner is able to solve a complex cryptographic puzzle successfully, they are rewarded with free Bitcoins and transaction fee. The miners who are able to mine successfully can earn up to 6.25 BTC per block as they validate. Apart from mining fee, they also receive transaction fee which is also paid in Bitcoin. It is to be noted that mining for the largest cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin requires a lot of energy as competition to earn Bitcoin rewards is extreme. 

Some miners join with others to form a larger mining pool. This is a very common practice as due to big mining pool, the various groups of miners work in tandem with each other to have better chances of earning profits. 

Lending Bitcoin