🔥Airdrop from BINANCE in the amount of $100,000 in WOOFi $WOO
Complete missions in your Binance Web3 wallet and earn your share of the rewards.
✔️Call посиланням and confirm participation.
▪️ Swap:
➕ Perform a crosschain swap of any token for 100 WOO on Arbitrum.
▪️ Staking:
➕Stake at least 100 WOO on Arbitrum
▪️ Deposit task:
➕Deposit a total of at least 0.01 ETH in WOOFi storage on Arbitrum.
➕Make a deposit of at least 25 USDC on WOOFi Pro via Arbitrum. Check it out
▪️ Trading task:
➕Trade a total volume of at least $250 equivalent on WOOFi Pro.
✔️Details and step-by-step guide on посиланням
▪️ Activity ends: 2024/02/05 23:59 (UTC)