Data: On the Arbitrum snapshot day, a total of 2.3 million addresses had cross-chain records, and only 28% were eligible for air investment.

Bi123 News On March 17, according to Nansen data, as of the Arbitrum airdrop snapshot on February 6, there were about 2.3 million addresses with Arbitrum One cross-chain records. In the end, 625,143 addresses obtained airdrop qualifications, accounting for about 28%. In addition, the number of addresses that received the highest airdrop quota (8500-10,250) was 6471, accounting for 1.03% of the number of eligible airdrop addresses. The number of addresses that received the minimum airdrop amount (625-1250) was 324,863, accounting for 51.96% of the number of eligible airdrop addresses.

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