Rat history! Speaking of which, there are so many treasures. Not only in warm places, but even the igloos of the Eskimos are said to be infested with rats. Rats migrated to Siberia with the deportees. Rats who came aboard to join the polar experts discovered the South and North Pole. No matter how desolate and remote the place is, mice are not afraid. They followed camel caravans across the Gobi Desert and accompanied devout pilgrims to Mecca.

When God punished mankind with the flood, Noah turned the ark into a zoo. All flesh and blood animals were allowed on board, except rats, not even males and females. Noah disobeyed God and refused to let the mouse on the boat, but the mouse hid in the sewer and survived! Help humans predict upcoming dangers and help humans clean up garbage!

The mice were abandoned by Noah but escaped the flood, successfully survived, entered the Ark to breed, and occupied Noah's Ark.

In fact, the old mouse blocked the entrance of the tunnel with its body and escaped in the underground lair that was like bubbles in the water. It’s these tenacious rats! These are the creatures with long tails and beards that can predict the future! It’s these animals that keep growing teeth! They resisted Noah's injustice. They mocked Noah's prejudice. They were united. They were indomitable! They became the most abundant mammals on earth!

The mice were abandoned by Noah but escaped the flood, successfully survived, entered the Ark to breed, and occupied Noah's Ark.

So #RATS can relay #BTC for 1ïžâƒŁ: Rat is the first mammal to resist the will of the Creator 2ïžâƒŁ: One trillion #Rats has the base to become a civilian Bitcoin Qualification 3ïžâƒŁ: Born on the Bitcoin chain, the biological son of Bitcoin, with plague attributes to infect every people’s wallet, in line with Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision