1•Bitcoin (₿) (English: Bitcoin) is a cryptocurrency that was invented in 2008 by an anonymous person or group of people known as Satoshi Nakamoto.
2• Cryptocurrency or encrypted currency (in English: Cryptocurrency) is a digital currency used in cryptography for the security purpose of protecting virtual transactions and controlling the creation of new units. Therefore, it is difficult to counterfeit that currency. It is considered a medium for virtual exchange (electronically) and also a branch of alternative currency, the first cryptocurrency. Bitcoin was created.
3•What is the difference between Bitcoin and Crypto...🤔?
Bitcoin is one of the most famous cryptocurrencies and is considered the first successful digital currency, while the word “crypto” is an abbreviation of the word “cryptocurrency” in English. Blockchain is the technology that supports cryptocurrencies and secures and records transactions in a decentralized manner.
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