If you are currently in cryptocurrency to make gains, please take note. While I want to emphasize that the following is by no means investment advice, it could broaden your perspectives and help you avoid certain mistakes. 🤔💡

1- Just HODL 🚀💤

The best way to secure your investments is to simply HODL. Some of you have gone through two to three years, or even the entire bear market, to build your portfolio. It would be regrettable to see it disappear by trying to play professional traders during these periods of fluctuations. All you have to do to avoid losing what you already have is to HODL quietly. It allows you to sleep peacefully and avoids unnecessary headaches. 💤📉

2- Keep increasing the size of your bag 📈💼

After the recent market movements following the approval of ETFs, many wonder if it's the right time to buy or if it's better to wait to avoid a potential fall. Know that there are two probable scenarios:

  • The first: You decide to wait, and the market abandons you in your patience, reaching new historical highs.

  • The second: You buy, and the market turns against you by going down.

One of the less risky and cost-effective solutions would be to opt for Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) to continue increasing the size of your portfolio. Ignore market fluctuations and continue to buy at regular intervals or in steps according to your capabilities. In case of a market uptrend, you have already acquired a certain quantity, and in case of a downtrend, you can buy more. 📈💼

If you don't know what DCA is, visit YouTube or Google to get information about it... 🎥🔍

3- Run from leverage 🎢💔

As you can see in this image, it represents a recent loss incurred while trying to anticipate market movements related to ETF news. The funds could have been securely preserved until now. For that, it would have simply been enough to stay away from leverage as much as possible. It's important to note that many traders showcase their successes on social media without mentioning their losses, trying to lure you with the promise of colossal gains. I hope this illustration serves as an example. The reality is not as rosy as one might think. Avoid succumbing to the temptation of using leverage for significant gains. In the worst case, refrain from taking positions that exceed double your initial funds, and don't forget to set stop-loss orders. 📉🚫"

4- Halving, the bull market is coming soon... 🌕🐂

Historically, halving has always been followed by a bullish phase. And so far, most cryptocurrencies reach new highs during the bull markets that follow halving. In simple terms, if your focus is on the bull market, now seems like a good time to continue accumulating, as you are likely to make gains with higher prices than your purchase prices when the bull market starts. 📈🐂

5- Keep your funds off exchanges 🔐💸

You have probably heard the phrase: "Not your keys, not your money." Your cryptos on an exchange are not entirely at your disposal, don't forget that. In the world of cryptos, anything is possible. If your funds are not needed on an exchange, it would be better to withdraw them and store them in a securely controlled wallet. Make sure to carefully back up your private keys to avoid any unpleasant surprises. It would be regrettable to find out that the cryptocurrency in which you invested has increased by X30, but you cannot enjoy it because you lost your private key or something similar. 💸🚫

6- Diversify your portfolio slightly 💼🌐

Investing all your funds in a single cryptocurrency is rather risky, as it may not perform as expected, or even move in the opposite direction. Hence the need to consider diversifying your portfolio, even if you prefer to focus on certain investments. This reduces the risks of ending up with losses in the event of a market turnaround. I think you have worked too hard to have to endure such a situation. 💼💔

Don't forget that if 20% of your cryptocurrencies increase by 10 times and 80% collapse, you've doubled your money. 💰🚀

7- Have a plan 📊🤔

Think about establishing a clear plan for what you really expect from your investments. For example, what is your goal: X10, X20, or X100? This will help you determine the actions to take when you reach the expected situation, avoiding procrastination and potentially losing money. If your goal is X10, it would be regrettable not to take your profits, maybe after X13 or X15, rather than seeking more and ending up back at X6 due to a market reversal... 📊💹

8- Keep a little because you never know. 💰🤷‍♂️

Rather than selling your entire portfolio once your goal is reached, consider reserving 5 or 10% of it as a precaution. Seeing a decrease of 5 or 10% in your portfolio is not as painful as realizing that, after selling everything following X10, the cryptocurrency in question has experienced another X30. 💰🚀

9- Once it's in, it should not come out anymore 💼 🔐

Avoid unnecessary risks that could lead to losses; focus instead on increasing the size of your portfolio. Accumulate as much as possible and ensure that nothing is withdrawn until your goals are achieved. 💼🚀

I would love to see you all at the top by the end of this bull market; so, put all the conditions in place to make that a reality. 💰😎

10- If despite everything that has been said, you still plan to use leverage, please consider clicking below to send me a tip before venturing into this path. This also applies to those who intend to take excessive risks. 💸🎢

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