
Bitcoin, because Grayscale's products have no advantages after the listing of ETFs, they have been redeemed and sold by investors, and turned to EFT products, which has led to the correction in the past few days. However, these sold funds are not used to buy back Bitcoin ETFs immediately. Therefore, on the market, we see that Bitcoin is in a correction trend, but the market basically takes up this continuous selling pressure. Then the selling pressure in 2024 is one of Grayscale's, which is expected to take no more than 2 months, and the other is that the Mentougou case will also come out with a result and compensate investors. It is expected that there will be a wave of selling pressure, and the time is probably before the Bitcoin halving. Therefore, there is not much time left for the market to adjust and get on board. From the perspective of the trend structure, it is also a relay form in the rising process, and it is likely to continue to rise;


Ethereum is relatively strong, with Bitcoin near 400 and Ethereum near 2400. It is expected that these two positions are good entry points for Bitcoin and Ethereum in the near future. If you have not yet bought in, use these two positions as the bottom positions to buy in.

The core of the Dark Horse Quantitative System is to grasp the starting point of the dealer and the cost position of the dealer, so as to find a golden pit.


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