The European Central Bank dismisses #Bitcoin as a "speculative asset" and reaffirms its commitment to the development of a Digital Euro (#CBDC ). ECB Executive Director Isabel Schnabel emphasizes the differences and outlines the cautious approach towards #Cryptoassets

💬 ECB's Stance: Schnabel, speaking through the ECB X account, clarifies that the #centralbank has no plans to purchase $BTC , categorizing it as a speculative asset that lacks the characteristics of money. The ECB remains focused on its exploration of a digital euro

Digital Euro Development: Schnabel underscores the ECB's commitment to the digital euro, aiming for a fast, easy, and secure instrument for daily payments. The ECB sees this digital currency coexisting with physical #money , not replacing it, in efforts to adapt to an evolving financial landscape

🔍 Lack of Intrinsic Value: The ECB cites concerns over crypto-assets, emphasizing their perceived lack of intrinsic economic value, high volatility, and speculative nature. Schnabel notes that Bitcoin's market valuation is driven purely by speculation

🚫 Bitcoin Rejection: Schnabel explicitly states, "The ECB is very unlikely ever to buy BTC reinforcing the central bank's stance on steering clear of the leading cryptocurrency. The ECB's strategic vision aligns with a regulated and controlled digital euro

🚀 Digital Euro Benefits: The ECB aims to launch the digital euro in 2026, under strict regulatory supervision. Schnabel highlights its potential as a widely accepted, secure, and privacy-respecting payment option. The digital euro is positioned to coexist with traditional cash

🤨 Privacy Concerns Addressed: Schnabel dismisses concerns about personal privacy related to the digital euro, asserting that it would offer an additional, ECB-backed payment option while meeting the highest privacy standards, akin to physical cash

In summary, the ECB's cautious approach to Bitcoin aligns with its strategic focus on developing a regulated and controlled digital euro. The central bank aims to address evolving financial needs while maintaining privacy standards and steering clear of speculative assets