I hold $ETHS and firmly believe that it will be one of the best investment targets in recent years. The main reason is that the Facet protocol it relies on can significantly reduce the gas fee of the#ETHmain network.

This makes the Noble Chain no longer out of reach, no longer has to worry about potential financial losses caused by high interaction costs, and can ensure that every interaction can be verified by the Ethereum main network.

#EthscriptionsThe entire ecosystem will definitely work. Although it is not so perfect now and the market enthusiasm is not as high as it was a few days ago, I believe that it will all come back.

The Huobi ecological chain#HECOmarket was so popular in the past, mainly because of the low contract interaction cost. It is a very good alternative to the Ethereum network. However, due to changes in Huobi later, HECO did not have a good product manager and eventually declined.

Ethscriptions is different. It has a genius founder and a strong community. It is still looking for breakthroughs no matter how difficult it is, which is good.

#ETHS#Ethereum#Bitcoin$ETH $BTC