Calm Mindset + Clear knowledge + Proper Risk management = Trading success.

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1] You are your MAGIC ingredient for trading success.

3 steps, 

🟢Stopped searching NEW strategies.
🟢Trade according to market conditions low vix means more scalping/reversal & volatile market means trap trading.

Focus on your mindset

2] Find your style 

💡It might take 2 or 3 or 5 years to find a style of trading which makes you CALM - Before , During & After a trade / trading day. 
👉Have a well-defined logic/plan for all your entry/exit points in any trade.

3] Stop getting sticked in front of computer/laptop 

🎯Make sure to have a clear thought process at which point of time / which levels i need to focus more and remaining time Just Relax ( During Live Market hours ) 
🎯Be a snipper ( Wait - Aim - Trade )

4] Give your 100% during Market Hours

Stay CALM during NO Trade Zone. Stay FOCUSED rest of the time.

Wait for high probability trades - Execute - Relax ( After Following this your confidence level will be just WOW😎 )

5] One or few trades should never spoil your mood.

❌By any chance one or few trades outcome making a big impact on your mood/emotions ( Fear & Greed ) then the real problem is your position sizing.

Make Risk Management as 1st Priority

6] Don't blame your PAST losses.

🔴Past losses is your mistakes better accept it ( Reason for past losses can be you or because of someone else - But ultimate problem was faced by YOU )

Learn from the losses and BOUNCE back 100x

7] Take Responsibility

🟢PROFIT made because of my smart trading

🔴LOSS made because of market reversal

This is just PURE cheating you are doing to yourself. Take full responsibility of both because NO one is forcing you to take trades.

8] Stop finding EXCUSES

If i had "x" capital i would have done Option Selling

If i had "x" capital i would have done this done that ( All these are story telling )

Take Action with whatever is available NOW and automatically you can GROW BIG.

9] Be the MASTER




Do whatever you ENJOY but MASTER IT with, ❌ZERO DOUBT





Excitement is GOOD for learning but not for trading every move/every tick.

Missed a move , Missed a trending day , Booked profits earlier etc... - JUST STAY CALM and take full advantage of next opportunity.

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