At the time the coins on the exchange were sold heavily, each code dropped at least -10%.
At this time, there are a few coins that show how well they can hold their price.
The most typical is the recent popular coin: $ARB, which also dropped sharply, but then rebounded sharply, keeping the price before the previous increase, then moving green +5%.

Some other coins also keep their prices equally well: $ASTR, $POWR,..

Not only that, there are coins that go against the market, instead of falling sharply, they increase sharply, like: $PEOPLE

Some other coins also showed equally impressive results: #ENS, #STRAX, #CHR, #YGG, #WING, #SEI, #CYBER,...
At times of crisis, coins that go against the market are often "strong" coins or at least coins with a large fan base, or at least these coins have the trust of investors.
Coins like this are worthy of being put on your attention list.