According to ChainCatcher, according to the data from the Web3 asset data platform RootData project ranking surge list, as of 18:00 on October 18, Drop ranked first with a ranking increase of 979 places; Hyve rose by 962 places to rank second; Surge rose by 940 places to rank third.

According to the Web3 asset data platform RootData, Drop is a cross-chain liquid staking protocol whose mission is to enhance the economic viability of inter-chain economies by converting stagnant, frozen resources into liquid opportunity streams.

It is reported that RootData has launched the first "Web3 Hot Project Ranking". This popularity ranking helps users capture the real pulse of attention and improve the accuracy of user investment decisions through 4.3 million real user behavior data. The ranking will calculate the real-time ranking of project popularity values ​​based on the platform users' search frequency, project clicks, user votes, and the popularity and influence of the X platform.