According to Odaily, Pop Punk, co-founder of Web3 security and transparency platform g8keep and Gaslite, announced on X the official closure of Gaslite, stating it is the best decision at this time. He explained that since the launch of g8keep a few months ago, it has consumed all his energy. Punk emphasized that if he cannot fully commit to Gaslite, it would be inappropriate to continue its operations. Looking ahead, his sole focus will be on g8keep, which he believes has the potential to make a more significant impact on the ecosystem compared to Gaslite.

The past few months have been extremely hectic, Punk noted. Despite gas fees being at historic lows, Gaslite's business has never truly slowed down. He expressed deep gratitude for the trust people have placed in his brand and their willingness to collaborate with Gaslite, even if it only saved their users a small amount of money.