According to BlockBeats, at the AI ​​Apex Asia Capital Connect Forum, experts discussed the complex environment facing AI companies preparing for IPOs. James Liu, director of Alibaba Cloud International, moderated the roundtable.

Key takeaways from the discussion included: AI companies face unprecedented challenges in data privacy, intellectual property protection, and regulatory compliance. The pace of AI innovation is outstripping the development of regulatory frameworks, requiring companies to proactively address potential risks.

The EU AI Act has global implications for companies operating in the European market. Deepfakes pose significant risks to copyright and identity protection that require a combination of technological and regulatory solutions to address.

Professor Liu Yang, co-founder of AgentLayer, proposed enhancing the security of LLM by using agent-based models as validators and managers. Hsu Li-Chuan, partner at Dentons Rodyk, emphasized the importance of clear communication with regulators and investors.

Yang Jingwei, technical director of Ant Security, made three recommendations for data security: establish strong data governance, strict policies and normalization, be careful about data transmission, and be transparent. Experts agreed that continuous dialogue will play a key role in shaping a balanced AI governance approach.