According to BlockBeats, on September 24, Placeholder partner Chris Burniske said on social media that there are many high-quality venture capitals in the crypto field, and they are less active on X. High-quality venture capital helps entrepreneurs innovate without debt or innate wealth.

High-quality VCs are often smeared by pseudo-VCs who simply want to enter the private markets and accelerate liquidity, without providing any support but only wanting to maximize profits. It is important not to confuse the two.

Pseudo VCs are not respected by entrepreneurs and have difficulty building institutions with lasting influence because they provide zero or even negative value. However, the public on X often cannot distinguish the difference between the two in a timely manner, especially when many pseudo VCs start as opinion leaders, use their audience to raise small funds, and then perform some operations that are considered venture capital behavior.

Blaming VCs is a common refrain, but it reveals a great deal of ignorance about quality VC and its limitations, and is often fueled by those most interested in misleading their audiences.