According to Odaily Planet Daily, Bankless founder David Hoffman posted on the X platform that the rollup-centric roadmap has been "completed". The current progress includes the launch of 4844, DA, and cheap L2, and the future optimization focus will be on L1.

Vitalik Buterin responded that he did not think it was a priority issue. The next step for DA is peerdas, and the relevant personnel are out of touch with SSF or EVM execution improvement personnel. He believes that "the roadmap centered on rollup is completed" is a premature declaration of victory.

Hoffman said that increasing the L1 block time will not increase the block space supply at the same time. Focusing on L1 and L2 is synergistic, while focusing on DA is only beneficial to L2.

Vitalik explained that the answer to reducing slot time is yes without changing other variables, but the limit is determined by bandwidth limitations, and bandwidth and latency are independent issues. Reducing L1 slot time is worth discussing, but it needs to be done with caution.