According to PANews, at the "Growth Hacker Camp" event co-organized by BeWater and PANews, SevenX Ventures co-founder FC delivered a keynote speech and shared personal brand growth strategies.

FC said that personal brand is the coordinate system of each person among 7 billion people. It was defined by the media in the past, but is defined by self-media today. In the "positioning yourself" session, he emphasized the importance of industry competition and suggested finding differences and segmenting in the red ocean market.

FC emphasizes that content needs to find audiences and needs. The more the needs are to the left, the wider the audience, the greater the traffic, and the lower the commercial conversion; the more right and vertical, the easier it is to convert. Choose traffic, monetization, and personality according to the purpose of the content.

He also introduced how to find content hot spots, content formats suitable for social media and promotion timing, and suggested that those who are doing growth must understand the underlying algorithms and rules of the platform.