According to BlockBeats, on August 25, Musk posted on the X platform that "today, as an advocate of free speech, it feels more and more like I am facing a 'Kobayashi Maru' problem."

BlockBeats Note: The "Kobayashi Maru" test is a famous scene in the movie "Star Trek". Every student who has the potential to become a commander needs to take this simulated command test. In fact, this is an impossible task. The system sets all possibilities, and the result of any operation is failure.


Trainee Kirk thought this was an unreasonable setting and did not believe that there was an unsolvable deadlock, so he secretly modified the program and became the only person who passed the test by cheating. But in the end, he finally understood the meaning of the test: the purpose of the "Kobayashi Maru" test was not to defeat the enemy, but to test whether an excellent commander could still have the courage and calmness to face a deadlock and lead the crew to face the final moment calmly.


Testing is also a form of learning, giving the commander experience in facing unsolvable dilemmas, so that when he really faces a dilemma, he can reduce the sense of unknown loss of control, remain calm and steady, and minimize losses.