According to Odaily, a recent survey conducted by Kanomura Securities and its digital asset subsidiary, Laser Digital, in April revealed that 54% of the 547 Japanese institutional investors surveyed plan to purchase crypto assets within the next three years. However, only a quarter of the respondents hold a positive impression of cryptocurrencies, while 52% maintain a neutral stance.

The survey results indicate a growing interest in digital assets among institutional investors in Japan, despite mixed feelings about the asset class. The fact that more than half of the respondents are planning to invest in cryptocurrencies in the near future suggests a shift in the perception of digital assets, from being a risky and volatile investment to a legitimate asset class.

However, the survey also highlighted that there is still a significant amount of skepticism and uncertainty surrounding cryptocurrencies. Only a quarter of the respondents have a positive view of digital currencies, indicating that there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of educating investors and building trust in the asset class. Meanwhile, the majority of respondents, 52%, have a neutral view on cryptocurrencies, suggesting that many are still undecided and could potentially be swayed either way.