According to BlockBeats, the Total Value Locked (TVL) in the TON network has broken through the $600 million mark, reaching a new high of $611 million. This is a significant milestone in the history of the TON network.

In the past week, the TON ecosystem's DeDust DEX protocol has seen a TVL increase of 54.43%, making it the largest protocol in the ecosystem in terms of TVL. This rapid growth has contributed significantly to the overall increase in the TON network's TVL.

The TON network's recent success can be attributed to the robust performance of its ecosystem, particularly the DeDust DEX protocol. The protocol's impressive growth rate over the past week has played a crucial role in pushing the network's TVL to its current record high.

This development marks a new chapter in the TON network's journey, demonstrating the potential of its ecosystem and the growing confidence of its users. The network's ability to consistently increase its TVL indicates a strong and growing user base, which is a positive sign for its future prospects.