According to Odaily Planet Daily, Tether CEO Paolo Ardoino issued a post on the X platform to counter the recent negative reports about USDT. He emphasized that USDT is able to leverage the transparency of blockchain technology and cooperate with global law enforcement agencies to comply with requirements. He listed some of USDT's achievements, including cooperation with Chainalysis and cooperation with 124 law enforcement agencies in more than 40 different countries. Since its inception, Tether has blocked more than $1.3 billion in funds, mainly related to fraud, hacking, ML, and approximately $1.6 million related to terrorist financing. In the past 12 months, Tether has cooperated with 98 requests from law enforcement to block wallets on a voluntary basis, 90 of which came from US law enforcement. Tether also cooperated with US law enforcement to block more than $639 million in transactions, and cooperated with Israel's NBCTF and Ukrainian law enforcement.